Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sunroom Progress 152


The painter finished painting the sunroom today. I just need the HVAC guys to finish and the room is done. Now the fun of decorating begins! 5/31/12

Assignment: Make a photo that creates depth. Draw the viewer in by choosing an interesting foreground, middle-ground, and background., post it then Tag it with #TP205

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Concrete 151


When we put up an antenna tower for our ham radios, we had to dig a big hole and fill it in with concrete. Then we wrote our call signs in the concrete too. 5/30/12

Assignment: Make a photograph with a concrete surface in it today., post it then Tag it with #TP204

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fiber 150


Here is some fiber I can't wait to start spinning on my spinning wheel. 5/29/12

Assignment: Negative space can be just as important to a composition as your primary subject. Explore negative space in a photograph., post it then Tag it with #TP203

Monday, May 28, 2012

Flags 149


I love how City Hall is decked out with flags today! 5/28/12

Assignment: Memorial Day USA, 'As Is' or for non USA show us a memorial , post it then Tag it with #TP202

Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Yard 148


I used a children's foam alphabet block for the letter M to show this is my yard.  5/27/12

Assignment: Shoot through something translucent or transparent, coloured or cut out, invent your own filter! , post it then Tag it with #TP201

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Algae 147


I hate when the algae grows in my water garden but I do like the way it looks so fragile. 5/26/12

Assignment: Graffiti is unwanted by many, but can be visually interesting. Find visual interest in something you don't like today., post it then Tag it with #TP200

Towels 146

I found out I am allergic to the black rubber on the handles of my treadmill. Now I keep them covered with these purple towels. 5/26/12

Assignment: International Towel Day, H2G2 in memory of Douglas Adams (please read the associated text), post it then Tag it with #TP199

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Iced Tea 145


I start every morning with a glass of unsweetened iced tea in a glass that is filled with ice and frosty from the freezer. 5/24/12

Assignment: We can all use a little boost to get started in the morning. Make a photograph of your morning beverage of choice., post it then Tag it with #TP198

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hallway 144


This is the only hallway in my whole house. My house is a very old house and used to be a two story house. When they took away the top story, the entrance way with stairs became my foyer and master bedroom. My bedroom has three doors in it that lead either to the livingroom, the kitchen or this small hallway.  5/23/12

Assignment: Hallways, Corridors, Long walk ways contain distance and lines in the frame, post it then Tag it with #TP197

Yard 143

Here is my backyard. 5/22/12
Assignment: Make a low contrast photograph today., post it then Tag it with #TP196

Monday, May 21, 2012

Candle 142


Here is our emergency candle that is always ready (but not always lit) in case our power goes out. 5/21/12

Assignment: Fire is seen as the difference between us and them capture a flame today: candle, match, fireplace, or your own interpretation!, post it then Tag it with #TP195

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Waiting 141


Here everyone is  waiting for Bev to set her camera so we can take a group picture. It is fun to see everyone talking and laughing while they wait. 5/20/12

Assignment: Make a photograph today that illustrates of the act of waiting., post it then Tag it with #TP194

Sculpture or Fountain 140


I saw this when traveling on a dirt road somewhere in Wilson Creek Wilderness. I'm not sure if it is a sculpture or a fountain but I also thought the black dog looking at me was cute! 5/19/12

Assignment: Find a statue, sculpture, or fountain consider the time of day and the light (night or day which shows us the best side)., post it then Tag it with #TP193

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bunnies 138


These wild bunnies romp around my yard during the day. 5/17/12

Assignment: Backgrounds are tricky. They can make a subject stand out or distract from it. Make a photo with a good background today., post it then Tag it with #TP191

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hand Carders 137


I bought these so I could card the alpaca fleece that my friend gave me. 5/16/12

Assignment: Make a photograph that features a very distinct curved line or surface today., post it then Tag it with #TP190

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pinocchio 135


We bought Pinocchio one year when we were traveling around Italy. 5/14/12

Assignment: Think of a subject or object that starts with either the letter P or T. Find it, post it then Tag it with #TP188

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother’s Day 134

I still miss my mom and I hope that she knows how much I loved her! I think about often. But I'm so lucky my dad found a wonderful woman to be my stepmom. She has been a great mom for me for the past 20 years.
Assignment: Mother's Day (majority of countries) make a electronic card or share you mother with us., post it then Tag it with #TP187

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Street Sign 133


Hundreds of year ago, Gulliver was traveling the world and ended up in my little town. It was years before he ended up in Lilliput. Gulliver met the local people and saw how lovely this town was so he decided to stay hoping to get married and raise children here. He cut down some trees and built his house on this street. Since no one else lived there, everyone called it Gulliver St. Gulliver was a great neighbor but he got lonely because there was no one his age in town and he wanted to find a wife. So sadly, he decided that he needed to explore other places. So, he went down to Charleston and got on a ship but that ship is the one that wrecked and landed him in Lilliput.

Assignment: Road or Street names have some meaning or reason behind them, shoot one and tell us why or where the name came from, post it then Tag it with #TP186

Friday, May 11, 2012

Looking at Scale 132


This was showing the scale in size as well as value. 5/11/12

Assignment: Play with contrasting scale today: juxtapose something small with something big!, post it then Tag it with #TP185

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Developing Tomatoes 131


I love watching the tomatoes every day and seeing how they grow. If you look hard you can see tiny tomatoes beginning towards the top. 5/10/12

Assignment: Illustrate the concept of time in a photograph today, the catch is to express time without using any form of clock, post it then Tag it with #TP184

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No Composition 130

050912I held my camera at my hip and just took a picture. 5/9/12

Assignment: Make a photo without composing by looking through the viewfinder: over your head, from the hip, on the ground, etc., post it then Tag it with #TP183

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Toes 129


Here are the toes on my favorite clay flower pot. 5/8/12

Assignment: No Socks Day, yep get rid on them and shoes us your toes or someone elses, post it then Tag it with #TP182

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kitchen Light/Fan 128


Here is the light/fan in my kitchen. 5/7/12

Assignment: Radiating lines pulls the viewer directly to a center of interest. Take advantage of this in a photo you create today., post it then Tag it with #TP181

Junk Food 127


Here is the junk food on our table that I am trying to avoid. 5/6/12

Assignment: International No Diet Day 2012, simple just show us the 'bad' stuff in life you love food related, but is classed as off limits, post it then Tag it with #TP180

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Flower Frog 126


Here is one of the flower frogs in my collection. I love the onyx color of it. 5/5/12

Assignment: Black can be dramatic. Go for as much black in a photo as you can with lots of oomph, character, and depth., post it then Tag it with #TP179

Friday, May 4, 2012

Star Wars 125


Here is a Star Wars ship that is part of my hubby's toy collection. 5/4/12

Assignment: May the 4th be with you; get your light sabre out, strike or force the choice is yours, go to the darkside or stay with the good, post it then Tag it with #TP178

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Snail 124


On our hike we came across a snail sunning itself on a mayapple leaf. 5/3/12

Assignment: Convey warmth in a photograph today., post it then Tag it with #TP177



I wrote the date down in the dirt beside our tent where we were camping. Then I filled it in with pebbles because it was hard to see. 5/2/12

Assignment: Make a photo that contains today's date in it somehow. Maybe abstract representation of the numbers. Maybe literally., post it then Tag it with #TP176

Pollen 122


The lake at our campground was covered with pollen! 5/1/12

Assignment: World Asthma Day 2012: (WAD) The choice is your's on how you raise awareness, fresh air, polution (see Associated information) , post it then Tag it with #TP175