Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dead Snake 365.151

Dead Snake 365.151, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

It took me 6 hours to clean out the backyard shed today. This is one of the things that I found but I'm glad it was dead and not alive! 5/31/09

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Outhouse 365.150

Outhouse 365.150, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

We saw this on our hike today. I'm so glad I didn't live during the era when they didn't have indoor plumbing! 5/30/09

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hiking Trail 365.149

Hiking Trail 365.149, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

The mountain laurel was blooming all over the trail and it was beautiful. 5/29/09

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tomato Plant 365.148

Tomato Plant 365.148, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Hopefully we will get lots of tomatoes off this plant since my hubby loves tomato sandwiches. 5/28/09

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Loving Threads 365.147

Loving Threads 365.147, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Our church group makes prayer shawls, blankets, and baby sweaters. This was this month's finished items. 5/27/09

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Electric Weedeater 365.146

Electric Weedeater 365.146, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

I love my new weedeater! After trying to start the gas one and never succeeding, I always had to wait until my husband or yard man could help do the things I wanted done. Now I am in control! 5/26/09

Memorial Day 365.145

Memorial Day 365.145, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

These were in front of our town's police station. 5/25/09

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fig 365. 144

Fig 365. 144, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Here is the only fig I have found on my fig tree so far. 5/24/09

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Water Lily and Goldfish 365.142

I love to see the water lilies begin to bloom and the goldfish peek up at the top of my water garden. 5/22/09

Mulched Flowerbed 365.141

Mulched Flowerbed 365.141, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

It took 3 truckloads of mulch to cover this flower bed but it will be worth it! 5/21/09

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Window Box 365.140

Window Box 365.140, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

I planted wavy petunias in this and hope to enjoy them all summer. 5/20/09

Dinner 365.139

Dinner 365.139, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Tried a new recipe: Tilapia with Sweet Peppers along with 3 bean salad (only not with 3 beans) and macaroni and cheese. It was pretty tasty! 5/19/09

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tiger Lily 365.138

Tiger Lily 365.138, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

I think it's time to separate these and plant some in the yard. 5/18/09

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hiking Hat 365.137

Hiking Hat 365.137, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Here is the new hat I bought to wear when I'm hiking. It is lightweight and cool. The sides snap up if I need to flip them up. 5/17/09

Flea Market 365.136

Flea Market 365.136, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

We really enjoy going to flea markets on the weekend. My husband loves to look for treasures but I really enjoy people watching. 5/16/09

Friday, May 15, 2009

Home with Tshirts 365.135

Home with Tshirts 365.135, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Here we are in front of our home, wearing the Anchor Inn Tshirts that Kevin and Michelle Honeycutt bought us on our visit to Hutchinson, KS. 5/15/09

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gift of Tea 365.134

Gift of Tea 365.134, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

We bought our neighbors some tea from Celestial Seasonings. We had a tour there in Boulder, Colorado. The boxes were: Fruit Tea Sampler and Goji Berry Pomegranate Green Tea. I knitted the ribbon. 5/14/09

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wavy Petunias 365.133

Wavy Petunias 365.133, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

I planted 6 hanging baskets and was ready to place them around my porch. Then I found out my husband had thrown away the chains that hang from the hooks when we painted last summer. 5/13/09

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can't Give It Up 365.132

Can't Give It Up 365.132, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

This is half of my stuff from my classroom when I retired from teaching 2 years ago. I keep saying I will get rid of a lot of it, but then I think, "What if..." It's hard to let it go. 5/12/09

Peri-Twinkle Toes Sock 1 365.127

This is the first sock. Still learning but I'm getting better as I go on. 5/7/09 (Forgot to post this the other day!)

Hiking Boots 365.131

Hiking Boots 365.131, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Most important equipment when I'm hiking! 5/11/09

Neon Sign 365.130

Neon Sign 365.130, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

One of our wall decorations in our play room. 5/10/09

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Peony 365.129

Peony 365.129, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

Grown in my backyard flower bed. It was so pretty I had to put it in a vase with hydrangea leaves and an umbrella plant leaf that hadn't opened yet. 5/9/09

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Corn Palace 1 365.125

Corn Palace 1 365.125, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

in Mitchell, SD 5/5/09

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jackalope 365.123

Jackalope 365.123, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

at Wall Drug Store in South Dakota. 5/3/09

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Busch Brewery 365.121

Busch Brewery 365.121, originally uploaded by loonyhiker.

in Ft. Collins, CO 5/1/09